The Antonine Legions (CIL 06.3492)

The following text, known as CIL 06.3492, is a well-known inscription, found in Rome, and dating back to the reign of (probably) the emperor Marcus Aurelius (r.161-180).note It sums up the thirty-three legions that were in existence when the cutter of the stone wrote the inscription. The relevance of the text is that it proves that the legions VIIII Hispana and XXII Deiotorana were no longer in existence. The three Parthian legions were later added.

  Nomina leg(ionum)  
II Aug(usta) II Adiut(rix) IIII Scyth(ica)
VI Victr(ix) IIII Flav(ia) XVI Flav(ia)
XX Victr(ix) VII Claud(ia) VI Ferrat(a)
VIII Aug(usta) I Italic(a) X Frete(nsis)
XXII Prim(igenia) V Maced(onica) III Cyren(aica)
I Min(ervia) XI Claud(ia) II Traian(a)
XXX Ulp(ia) XIII Gem(ina) III Aug(usta)
I Adiut(rix) XII Fulm(inata) VII Gem(ina)
X Gem(ina) XV Apol(linaris) II Italic(a)
XIIII Gem(ina) III Gall(ica) III Italic(a)
I Parth(ica) II Parth(ica) III Parth(ica)

This page was created in 2012; last modified on 6 May 2019.