Small museum with interesting finds from Roman Novaesium (Neuss).
This museum was visited in 2009.
14 pictures related to this museum
 Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Hypocaust tile decorated with a horse
 Neuss, Tombstone of Tib. Julius Pancuius
 Neuss, Moneybox
 Neuss, Tile with inscription "classis"
 Neuss, Merovingian fibula
 Neuss, Tile from a hypocaust with paws of a badger
 Neuss, Terra nigra with a fir tree
 Neuss, Samian ware from Arezzo
 Neuss, Amphora handle
 Neuss, Tile of XVI Gallica
 Neuss, Tile of VI Victrix
 Neuss-Grimlinghausen, Ring
 Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Vase with two lovers
 Neuss, Tombstone of Oclatius Carvus from Tongeren