First Punic War
First Punic War (264-241 BCE): the first of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian Empire, in which Rome conquered Sicily.

According to the Greek historian Polybius of Megalopolis (c.200-c.118), the First Punic War (264-241) between Carthage and Rome had been "the longest and most severely contested war in history".note And indeed, it lasted almost a quarter of a century and probably, a million people lost their lives.
In the end, Rome had conquered the island of Sicily, and had become a Mediterranean superpower, but to achieve victory, the Romans had been forced to reinvent themselves: they had learned to wage war at sea and had had to conduct protracted sieges.
265 | Q. Fabius Q.f. Maximus Gurges L. Mamilius Q.f. Vitulus |
Hiero defeats the Mamertines at the Longanus Mamertines appeal to the Carthaginians and then to Rome Alliance between Hiero and Carthage |
264 | Ap. Claudius C.f. Caudex M. Fulvius Q.f. Flaccus |
Outbreak of war Claudius crosses to Sicily, and lifts the siege of Messana |
263 | M'. Valerius M.f. Maximus (Messalla) M'. Otacilius C.f. Crassus |
Both consuls campaign in Sicily Hiero makes peace with Rome |
262 | L. Postumius L.f. Megellus Q. Mamilius Q.f. Vitulus |
Both consuls lay siege to Acragas, defended by Hannibal | ||
261 | L. Valerius M.f. Flaccus T. Otacilius C.f. Crassus |
Defeat of Hanno and fall of Acragas Carthaginian navy raids Italy Romans decide to build fleet |
260 | Cn. Cornelius L.f. Scipio Asina C. Duillius M.f. |
Scipio captured at the Aeolian Islands Duillius wins the naval battle of Mylae |
259 | L. Cornelius L.f. Scipio C. Aquillius M.f. Florus |
Scipio attacks Corsica and Sardinia Aquillius campaigns in Sicily |
258 | A. Atilius A.f. Caiatinus; C. Sulpicius Q.f. Paterculus |
Caiatinus campains in Sicily Paterculus attacks Sardinia and wins battle off Sulci |
257 | C. Atilius M.f. Regulus Cn. Cornelius P.f. Blasio II |
Regulus wins battle off Tyndaris and raids Malta Blasio commands in Sicily |
256 | L. Manlius A.f. Vulso Longus; Q. Caedicius Q.f. Suff. M. Atilius M.f. Regulus II |
Both consuls defeat Carthaginians off Ecnomus and proceed to Africa, where Regulus remains, defeating Hasdrubal in the battle of Adys and capturing Tunes Abortive negotiations with Carthage |
255 | Ser. Fulvius M.f. Paetinius Nobilior M. Aemilius M.f. Paullus |
Regulus defeated and captured near Tunes Consuls bring fleet to rescue survivors, winning victory off Cape Hermaea and raiding Cossyra, but are caught in a storm off Camarina on return |
254 | Cn. Cornelius L.f. Scipio Asina II A. Atilius A.f. Caiatinus II |
Hasdrubal arrives on Sicily Both consuls campaign in Sicily, capturing Panormus and other towns |
253 | Cn. Servilius Cn.f. Caepio C. Sempronius Ti.f. Blaesus |
While Caepio commands in Sicily, Blaesus raids Africa, nearly losing his fleet on the Syrtis, and losing half of it in storm off Cape Palinurus | ||
252 | C. Aurelius L.f. Cotta P. Servilius Q.f. Geminus |
Roman fleet reduced to sixty ships Both consuls command in Sicily, capturing Thermae and Lipara |
251 | L. Caecilius L.f. Metellus C. Furius C.f. Pacilus |
Both consuls command in Sicily Carthaginians reinforce army there |
250 | C. Atilius M.f. Regulus II L. Manlius A.f. Vulso II |
Metellus defeats Hasdrubal at Panormus Both consuls commence siege of Lilybaeum |
249 | P. Claudius Ap.f. Pulcher L. Junius C.f. Pullus |
Claudius loses battle off Drepana Junius loses fleet in storm near Camarina |
248 | C. Aurelius L.f. Cotta II P. Servilius Q.f. Geminus II |
Both consuls continue to besiege Lilybaeum and Drepana Carthalo raids Italy |
247 | L. Caecilius L.f. Metellus II N. Fabius C.f. Licinus |
Metellus continues with siege of Lilybaeum Buteo continues with siege of Drepana, where he captures the island of Pelias Hamilcar Barca arrives in Sicily and raids Bruttium |
246 | M'. Otacilius C.f. Crassus II M. Fabius C.f. Licinus |
Siege of Lilybaeum and Drepana continued Skirmishing around Heirkte |
245 | M. Fabius M.f Buteo C. Atilius A.f. Bulbus |
Siege of Lilybaeum and Drepana continued Skirmishing around Heirkte |
244 | A. Manlius T.f. Torquatus Atticus C. Sembronius Ti.f. Blaesus II |
Siege of Lilybaeum and Drepana continued Skirmishing around Heirkte |
243 | C. Fundanius C.f. Fundulus C. Sulpicius C.f. Galus |
Siege of Lilybaeum and Drepana continued Hamilcar moves to Eryx Continued skirmishing |
242 | C. Lutatius C.f. Catulus A. Postumius A.f. Albinus |
Catulus sent to Sicily in command of new fleet He is wounded at Drepana |
241 | A. Manlius T.f. Torquatus Atticus II Q. Lutatius C.f. Cerco |
Lutatius Catulus defeats Hanno in the battle of Aegates Islands (10 March), and with his brother, Lutatius Cerco, negotiates peace with Gesco; Sicily become's the first Roman province, governed by a praetor |
J.F. Lazenby, The First Punic War (1996)