Baalbek photos
Baalbek or Heliopolis (Ἡλιούπολις, "sun city"): town in the northern Bekaa valley, site of the largest sanctuary in the Roman world.

On these pages, you can find photos of:
- Bustan al-Khan
- Museum
- Quarry
- Ras al-Ain
- Temple of Bacchus
- Temple of Jupiter
- Propylaea
- Hexagonal Court
- Great Court
- Inscription of G. Velius Rufus
- Shrine
- Temple of Mercury
- Temple of the Muses
- Temple of Venus
- Theater
- Villa of Suweydie
Four online texts about Baalbek:
- An oracle
- Sozomen on the Virgins of Heliopolis
- Ps.Zacharia on the Destruction of the Temple of Heliopolis
- John of Ephesus on the Last Pagans of Heliopolis