Simonides' epitaph has inspired many later tombstones. This one, from Tobruk, says that the Czechoslovakian soldiers fought and died according to the laws of their fatherland.
 The First Council of Constantinople (381)
 Köln-Alteburg, Roadsign
 Coloring picture with Sinterklaas
 Gisbert Cuper
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating the liberation of Damascus
 Twelfth-century manuscript of a seventh-century Armenian translation of Euclid's Elements
 De Bruijn's first trip
 William III (by Peter Lely)
 Sari, Arian sport school
 Theodor Mommsen
 Mellet, Aux trois arbres
 Constantine, Pont de Sidi M'Cid
 St Nicholas. Dam Square, Amsterdam.
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemoration the end of World War II
 Modern statue of Corbulo in Voorburg
 Galle, Fort
 Amsterdam, East India House
 Awjila today
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating Napoleon III
 Beatus Rhenanus
 Soumela, Wall paintings: St Nicholas striking his opponent
 The First Council of Nicaea (325)
 Sculpture of Nigeria's Nok culture, sixth century BCE
 Antioch on the Peutinger Map
 Finding a human skull
 Poststamp Cyrus Cylinder
 Nahr al-Kalb, Monument for the French army
 Tepe Sialk, Modern art near the entrance of the excavation
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Inscription of sultan and emperor
 The Hermannsdenkmal, a nineteenth-century German monument to commemorate the victory in the Teutoburg Forest
 The Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. De Bruijn lived in the second, third or fourth house from the left.
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Our hosts
 Taq-e Bostan, Large cave: relief added by Fath-Ali Shah Qajar
 Ras al-Qalah, Incense Burner
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Italian additions
 Santa Claus, by F.O.C. Darley (1862)
 Purple heron
 Qasr Bshir, Beduin signs
 Number of lines of the Periochae
 Polybius' theory of anacyclosis
 Map of Wadi Buzra
 Coat of arms of Saint-Augustine (Florida)
 Sahara: climate and art styles
 The Council of Ephesus (431)
 Sinterklaas arrives in Amsterdam; note that there is no Christian cross on his mitre, but the arms of Amsterdam
 Soumela, Wall paintings: the Council of Nicaea
 De Bruijn, Constantinople
 Peter the Great (Painting by Louis Karavack, Hermitage)
 Susa, Archaeologists' castle
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Fort Bacone, Gate
 A modern monument indicating the eight roads beginning in Bavay. The statue represents Brunhilda.
 Two Tatars, one with a pointed cap
 Roadsign "Roman Road" (Herderen)
 Manuscript of the "History of the Armenians" by Moses of Chorene
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating the end of the Israeli Occupation
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating the capture of Damascus
 De Bruijn's summary of the Shahname
 Yasuj, Statue of Ariobarzanes
 Along the road to Nemrud Daği
 Sophia Schliemann with Trojan jewelry
 Nicolaes Witsen
 The Hartenstraat in Amsterdam. De Bruijn's house cannot be identified.
 Bernini's statue of Clement X
 Copy of Titian's Death of Peter of Verona, from the studio of Loth
 Tarsus, the "well of Saint Paul"
 A modern Persian carpet showing Cyrus the Great, seen in Tehran.
 Along the road to Nemrud Daği
 De Bruijn, Smyrna
 Ahuan, Karwansaray
 Frontispiece of "Reizen over Moskovië" (second edition)
 Children watching St Nicholas
 The Third Council of Constantinople (680)
 Erasmus (Royal Library, The Hague, Netherlands)
 A dromedary and its child, two hours old.
 Armenian manuscript with Coptic Refutations of the Decisions of the Council of Chalcedon
 Hecatompylos, Serail
 De Bruijn, a lady from Isfahan (note the elegant shoes)
 Tongeren, Modern statue of Ambiorix
 Along the road to Nemrud Daği
 Copy of De Bruijn's portrait of Joan van Hoorn
 De Bruijn's account of the Achaemenid kings
 Modern portrait of Zarathustra, inspired by Ahuramazda's dress on a relief of Taq-e Bostan.
 A Samoyed
 Nahr al-Kalb, 12a Pedestal of a statue (of a dog?)
 The Second Council of Constantinople (553)
 Berytus nutrix legum
 A modern house in Harran
 Dusky Pademelon
 Stemma of the main manuscripts of Herodotus' Histories
 Sunset in Apollonia
 Tibetan Air Burial
 Bodrum, Representation of Saint Nicholas
 Cornelis de Bruijn, painting by Godfrey Kneller
 Execution of the De Witt brethern
 Wadi Awis, Bees' nest
 A densimeter
 De Bruijn, Dusky Pademelon
 The Second Council of Nicaea (787)
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating the victory at Maysalum
 The Fascist statues of the two brothers
 Konrad Peutinger
 Multan's former Hindu temple (right)
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription commemorating the occupation of Beirut
 Central-Asian statuette of a camel
 Faqra, Rocks
 The Dutch Republic in 1672
 Tus, Statue of Firdausi
 Etching of "Zijdebalen" by Daniël Stoopendaal (1719)
 Tibetan Air Burial
 Zwarte Piet / Black Pete
 Casper Reuvens in Voorburg
 Troy, One of Schliemann's pinnacles
 Sodoma's Wedding of Alexander
 St Nicholas on an icon in the church of St Demetrius, Thessaloniki
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Fort Bacone
 Isfahan, Chehel Sotun Palace, Colonnaded Terrace
 The Council of Chalcedon (451)
 Seventeenth-century engraving, showing the story of the Bull of Zaandam